Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We were cavers once...and young (II)

First night in the Pub (October 2002)

Language problems have been something unavoidable but as soon as I realized that some people know more foreign languages than they admit and practice I felt more comfortable. Especially when I received a message in Spanish from T (Oh! Captain, my Captain…have you seen the “Dead Poets Society” movie?) inviting me to a pictorial presentation of the club at Micawbers Pub. The pictures, the music, the ales were superb so I didn’t understand why some people left the pub after the show. There I learned that the loss of freshers can be like the loss of hair. It could happen very soon in your life.


  1. Hoooola!!!
    ya esta publicada tu tumba.
    Besos y en verdad muchas gracias por compartir.
    Un beso

  2. jajajaja...mi querido Bristoliano, me ha encantado tu comentario, porque lo que dices son verdades como puños (expresión española ;-P). Cambiaré tu antigua dirección de blog por esta, así te leo y practico mi inglés, que se me va a olvidar. Besos.


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