Thursday, April 13, 2006

Corpora non agunt nisi fluida

"Substances do no react unless fluid" is an old alchemists' adage that shows us not only what chemists see everyday on their lives but what is happening everyday, everywhere.

Teflon is a great substance, though some claim that releases the toxic perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is a substance used to make Teflon. The most common use of Teflon is in non-stick coating.

Well, today I feel like I am not fluid and I have a teflon coat on my heart.

That's why I am listening again and again this song. To remind myself that there are better days :-D


  1. Querido mexicanito...qué nostálgico se te ve últimamente...un besillo para que te animes

  2. Y siempre los habrá, sólo es cuestión de mantener nuestra mirada fija adonde queremos llegar.



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